The Purpose of Bollards

Here at ABC Industrial we are known for our range of high quality roller shutters that are made with skill and expertise in order to ensure that your property remains as secure as it can possibly be. With this said we also offer a lot more than roller shutters and we like to think that our industrial doors, window grilles and bollards are just as exceptional and we have decided to use this blog to look into the purpose of bollards...


Keeping out those who are not supposed to have access to your property is something that should be taken very seriously. After all, damage and vandalism can come in many different forms and sometimes law breakers may result to the power of a vehicle in order to try and gain access. Luckily, bollards remove this possibility.

Traffic Control

In addition to maintaining a secure grip on your property, bollards are also incredibly beneficial when it comes to controlling the traffic in the surrounding area. After all, cars cannot park in a place where bollards have been installed which means that you can control the traffic around your warehouse and ensure that the entrances and exits are never blocked.

Public Safety

Whilst the majority of car owners know that they are to stay on the roadside, a lack of bollards means that road traffic accidents can end up transferring onto the pavements and injure pedestrians. After all, when there is nothing in place to prevent vehicles from mounting the curb it does not guarantee public safety. Bollards on the other hand ensure that the public are protected no matter what takes place on the roads. When it comes to bollards it is important that you are able to understand why they are in place otherwise you are just investing in a piece of security that has no purpose. From safety and security to aesthetic value, bollards are one of the most underappreciated products we provide here at ABC Industrial. Luckily our team is always on hand to answer any questions so to find out more information make sure to get in contact today!

Further reading

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