Ethics Policy

March 2024

Ethical business practice is one of the key values of ABC Doors Ltd and Teckentrup UK Ltd.

Ethical business practice is one of the key values of ABC Doors Ltd and Teckentrup UK Ltd. The senior leadership are committed to ethical business conduct and expects the highest standards of integrity to be followed by all employees regardless of their role, function, location, or seniority in the business. Every employee and individual acting on the Company's behalf is responsible for maintaining the Company's reputation and for conducting company business honestly and professionally.

It is impossible to produce a set of rules that cover every situation that our employees might encounter in the course of their work. Instead, this policy seeks to provide the framework within which we expect people to operate. We expect people to make sensible and informed judgements about whether a particular activity, approach or way of working is ethical and likely to be acceptable, and to seek guidance from leaders within the business as and when required where they are unsure. The following therefore should be taken as a minimum set of requirements and read alongside other applicable policies:

  • Business ethics and legal compliance; we require all employees to conduct business with honesty and integrity. As a business, we recognise that laws vary in the countries in which we operate. Compliance with those laws is mandatory for all employees.
  • Duty to report non-compliance; if employees have knowledge of any activities which they have reason to believe may violate this Policy, they must report such activities immediately. We rely on our employees to notify us when something isn’t quite right.
  • Conflicts of interest; the integrity of all employees must be always capable of scrutiny. While we respect the right of employees to privacy in their personal activities and financial affairs, employees must not have personal interests which conflict, or could conflict, with those of the company.
  • Competitors; The company will build its reputation on the basis of its performance alone. It will compete vigorously and lawfully and will not compete unfairly with others. It will not seek to damage the reputation of its competitors either directly or by implication.
  • Improper payments; we have a zero tolerance policy to bribery and corruption. No employee may offer, pay, promise, or authorise the payment of money or anything of value to any other person where they know or believe that it will be improperly given or promised in order to obtain, retain, facilitate or expedite business.
  • Equality, diversity and inclusion; We value the diversity provided by gender, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation, religion, or marital status. The principles and practices of equal employment opportunity and workforce diversity contribute to the achievement of our objectives. We expect a workplace that is free from any form of discrimination, harassment, or bullying.
  • Human rights; The company understands that Human Rights are fundamental in providing a secure and sustainable working environment for both employees, and the wider community in which it interacts. The policy is guided by international human rights principles included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The company is committed to implementing systems and controls aimed at ensuring that modern slavery is not taking place anywhere within our organisation or supply chain.
  • Supplier relations; we will conduct our relationships with suppliers and external providers with honesty, fairness, and mutual trust. Suppliers will be chosen based on factors such as price, quality, delivery, service, and integrity. The company’s choice of suppliers will be made objectively. Honesty and openness will be paramount in the company’s dealings with its suppliers. Suppliers engaging workers through a third party are also require to obtain third parties’ agreement to adhere to this ethical performance and this anti slavery and trafficking policy.
  • Health, safety and environmental protection; Employees are responsible for conducting business in a manner that protects the health and safety of all employees and the public, as well as the environment. They should always act in a manner that ensures our compliance with all applicable health, safety and environmental requirements.
  • The environment; We are committed to making continuous improvements in the management of our environmental impact to promote environmental care and awareness with emphasis on the need to reduce energy consumption and waste production and to monitor and report on environmental management.

All other group policies, including policies on anti-bribery, corruption, fraud and malpractice and criminal corporate offences should be read in the light of and in conjunction with the Ethics policy.

To download a copy of the ABC Ethics Policy...

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