The Do’s and Don’ts in a Fire

According to statistics, the numbers of fires in the UK has decreased steadily for the past two decades and there were just under 38,000 residential and industrial fires during 2017/8. With this said, it is important that those who do happen to find themselves trapped inside a burning building understand the correct way to approach an evacuation. Read on as the team here at ABC Industrial Doors explains some of the do’s and don’ts during a fire... Do: Use the stairs to evacuate rather than an elevator When a fire breaks out, it can damage the structural integrity of a building as well as the electrical supply. As a result, the elevators may become affected and this can put evacuees in dangers if they choose to utilise a cab. After all, a lift that breaks down during a fire due to electrical damage won't be noticed until the flames are under control. As a result, a staircase should be the first point of call during every active fire evacuation and the elevator should always be treated as if it is ‘out of order’. Don’t: Waste time trying to gather any belongings Although an uncontained fire puts people at serious risk, many of us will try to gather as many belongings as possible before heading towards the nearest fire exit. After all, this is the approach that we take during a fire drill. With this said, every second that is spent trying to find some headphones could be the difference between life and death during an active fire and it is important that people do not try to source their belongings and focus on evacuating instead. Do: Close the fire doors securely at each checkpoint Public buildings and industrial properties are required, by law, to install fire doors that remain closed at all times in order to ensure that they work effectively during an active fire. As a result, it is vital that the last person to exit through a doorway during a fire evacuation actively closes each set of fire doors at each checkpoint. After all, a fire door can reduce the rate at which a fire spreads around a building because they fitted with an expanding seal, however this design is only effective if the doors are closed. Here at ABC Industrial, we understand how ferocious an active fire can be. After all, the average fire burns at around 600°C which means that the flames can spready quickly and without warning by destroying everything in their path. Luckily, the installation of high-quality fire doors can prevent a fire from spreading for up to 240 minutes in order to give people extra time to evacuate because the expanding seal cuts off the oxygen supply that a fire needs to survive. To find out more information, get in contact with a member of the ABC team today!

Further reading

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