Educational establishments are busy locations with their high footfall from staff and students, and they always strive for an open and inclusive atmosphere. One key area where these needs should be addressed is their entryways; where heavy doors can present challenges for disabled access, slow down movement during busy times, and can be a safety hazard. With these issues in mind, we believe automatic doors for schools are the perfect solution.
We know that in the education sector keeping costs low is an important factor, and we ensure that our services are always delivered at competitive prices. We work with all of our clients to find cost effective solutions that also offer the high levels of security and functionality desired. So, what automatic door solutions can benefit a school?Without automation, swing doors can be heavy to push open and are incredibly difficult for wheelchair users to navigate. As well as installing new swing doors, we can also retrofit existing doors. Upgrading existing door mechanisms by retrofitting creates a more usable and efficient system, and can usually be seamlessly integrated into the existing aluminium operating cover. Our retrofit kits are suitable for a wide range of door applications and are a low-cost solution for automating doors.
These are a very aesthetically pleasing option, but they require clear wall space either side of the door for the panels to slide into upon opening. Our experts can advise on whether they are suitable for a given entryway.
The addition of automatic doors to a school will also help it comply with the Disability Discrimination Act. This is your legal responsibility to ensure that wheelchair users, and any other staff or students with mobility issues, can easily enter and exit your educational premises. But automatic doors don’t just help with ease of access for those with disabilities, they ensure that everyone can get through the entryway without any issues. This is particularly useful at busy times in the school day, as they allow the high foot traffic to move freely. And when it comes to safety, sliding doors offer an improvement on non-automated doors. They eliminate the risk of doors swinging open and hurting someone, or closing on staff or students who have their hands full and can't stop the door. With this wide range of advantages, it’s clear to see why we recommend automatic doors for schools – their easier access, health and safety advantages and compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act are all hugely important for educational premises. For more information click here to see our range of automatic doors, or call us today and our team of experts will be happy to help!15 Jan 2025
Whatever your requirements, durability, security or energy efficiency, our high-quality product offering features uniquely versatile and good-looking door solutions for every scenario.
18 Nov 2024
Often the cost-effective choice, removing the need to employ staff to manage access at the entrance to your site, the access control options available from ABC are customisable, durable and provide reliable operation and a long service life!
24 Oct 2024
Get prepared - put effective measures in place to ensure your business gets the best from its doors this winter by booking your service with ABC Doors today!