Maintaining Your Roller Shutters During Winter

The sudden fall in temperature during the winter season can be harsh on roller shutters, which is why it is important that you know how to take care of them. After all, without adequate maintenance your shutters will suffer considerably, and you may even find they degrade in quality too. Here at ABC Industrial, we have made it our mission to ensure that all roller shutters survive the brutal winter season. Read on as we go through three important maintenance tips...


In order for roller shutters to operate efficiently, the moving parts must be lubricated appropriately so that there is no metal on metal damage occurring. During winter, grease can be affected by dry air and low temperatures, so it is important that you ensure there is enough lubrication to prevent a breakdown. In fact, this is even more important if you have an electric roller shutter as the motor oil must be topped up regularly during winter too.

Avoid Abrasives

From grit on the roads to slush-snow; winter weather can result in dirty roller shutters, especially if your business is located on a busy road. In order to make a good first impression, you may want to clean your roller shutters regularly during the winter season; however, it is important that you avoid abrasive cleaners such as strong bleach, solvents and methylated spirits as these can damage your roller shutters. In fact, you should also swap out steel wool and scrubbing brushes for a soft cloth too.

Take Care

Below-freezing temperature can make your roller shutters cold so it is important that you take care when opening and closing them. After all, the last thing you want to do is damage your shutters and have to pay out for an expensive repair job. In addition to this, you should also make sure that the shutter doesn’t slam as it closes, especially if it is manually operated, as this can damage the mechanism. Although roller shutter maintenance is essential all year round, it is even more important during winter due to the way that extremely low temperatures can affect the way they function. In fact, electric roller shutters are said to be more vulnerable because snowfall can put the mechanics at risk. If you have any questions about roller shutter maintenance over the winter period, get in contact with a member of the ABC Industrial team today!

Further reading

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