How to Improve Window Security

Whether you want to feel safe inside your home or want to protect the property you run your business from, the importance of window security cannot be understated. After all, there is nothing worse than feeling like you are vulnerable to the will of petty criminals and trouble causing vandals. Here at ABC Industrial, we believe that is our responsibility to help our customers in any way we can. Read on to find out a few ways you can improve the security of your windows…


When you are concerned about break-ins it can be very effective to have CCTV installed, even if it is only for peace of mind. After all, the camera can actually deter crime and if you do happen to be the victim of a break-in then you have more chance of the perpetrator being caught with a camera.


Criminals usually stake out a property they intend to target ahead of time which is why it is important to keep all valuables away from the window in order to make yourself less of a target. After all, if they can see the most expensive items from a simple glance it leaves you vulnerable, especially in a residential home.

Reinforced Glass

Whilst this can be an extreme option for home windows, reinforced glass is often a suitable security measure for industrial properties that deal with high quality goods on a daily basis as it makes the glass much harder to break through. With this said, security film is a good alternative for residential properties as it stops the glass shattering.

Window Grilles

Perhaps the most effective security measure has got to be window grilles. After all, they protect the vulnerable glass from the exterior and ensure that vandals and criminals alike are unable to break through. In fact, modern adaptions were made after people began questioning their presence in the event of a fire and it is now possible to purchase retractable window grilles! Sometimes it can feel like you will never discourage criminals from targeting your property. With this said, it is important to approach security from multiple different angles in order for it to be as effective as possible. Here at ABC Industrial, we believe that every industrial property should look into the potential of window grilles and other effective window security measures in order to ensure that they are completely protected. Get in contact today to find out more information!

Further reading

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