Best Automatic Doors for Large Crowds

Automatic doors have become a regular sight in our day-to-day lives. They front our shops, banks, offices, and hospitals, along with a host of other buildings and structures! Since the first automatic door was designed some two thousand years ago, humans have designed and redesigned this marvel into a wide variety of solutions, falling into four categories, slide doors, fold doors, swing doors, and rotating doors. This week we’re taking a look at each of these categories and assessing their ability to facilitate large crowds and high volumes of traffic.


Slide doors are your quintessential automatic doors. Simply sliding off to the side, they tend to allow for a large space to be opened and, if possible, you may be able to separate and designate an “in” and “out” system, maximising the efficiency of your crowd control. Slide doors are fairly optimal for large crowds! Score: 4/5.


Folding doors are best used to safe space, so may be installed in placed that are already somewhat narrow. Rather than sliding, fold doors fold in half vertically and collapse back in on themselves. The only problem is that this leaves the doors bunched up to the side, taking up space! Probably not the best solution for areas with high traffic. Score: 2/5.


Swing door, as you might imagine, swing out of the way to allow access. Swing doors are programmed to open when you are far enough away to comfortably walk through, so they shouldn’t cause too many issues with people approaching from both sides. However, these doors could be problematic for slow moving crowds as they could potentially repeatedly bump people as they attempt to close. Score: 3/5.


Rotating automatic doors are the newest and most technological solution on the market. By utilising a circular entranceway with rotating panels, the same door can be used to seamless in-out traffic with no collision or congestion. Rotating doors keep your traffic organised and heading in the right direction! Perfect for large crowds and high-traffic areas! Score: 5/5. At ABC Industrial we specialise in all types of automatic doors and roller shutters. So, no matter what size your crowd is, we have the solution for any automatic door needs! Get in touch today to see what we can do for you!

Further reading

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