Are Bollards Dangerous?

For many years the installation of bollards has been carried out with the safety of both pedestrians and drivers in mind. After all, controlling where vehicles can and cannot park ensures that a footpath is clear for the public to use and road bollards that are in place on sharp corners can prevent cars from plummeting over a cliff edge. With this said, the safety of bollards has been called into question time and time again. Read on to find out where the ABC team stands…

Non-Reflective Bollards

The biggest issue that many drivers, and even cyclists, have with bollards is their lack of visibility. After all, not every bollard has reflective strips installed in order to ensure that they are seen by drivers in every kind of weather condition and this can make them a danger to the road rather than a safety measure.

Terrorism Prevention

On the other hand, modern terrorism has taken advantage of poorly secure footpaths and has used vehicles in order to fatally injure people on footpaths all around the world. The installation of strong steel bollards keeps cars on the road and pedestrians safe. In fact, without them it is likely that major cities would be incredibly vulnerable to these types of terrorist attacks.

Badly Installed Bollards

Of course, a bollard is only as effective as long as it is able to deliver the results it promises. Unfortunately, many bollards are badly installed which means that they can actually be more of a danger rather than an effective way to promote safety and control traffic. After all, if a bollard isn’t operating correctly it could injure people or damage vehicles.

Parking Control

Every year there are hundreds of thousands of new drivers on the road and sometimes it can be hard to control where they park their vehicles. Lucky, bollards offer an effective solution to keep exits clear and city centres less congested. After all, road side bollards do not only prevent terrorism, they can prevent vehicles from clogging up pavements too. Bollards are one of the most effective traffic control measures, especially when it comes to large cities. In fact, they have become an essential part of terrorism prevention after an attack involving a vehicle and pedestrians took place in London during March 2017. Whilst it is important that bollards are visible at all times in order to prevent unnecessary collisions, they play an important role in city safety. To find out more information, get in contact with a member of the ABC team today!

Further reading

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