ABC Doors 2021

ABC has experienced a mixed 2020 with some customers closing and not calling us for months. With others making the most of the quiet period and requesting long overdue servicing, repairs, upgrades and installations. So overall we are incredibly pleased with another successful financial year and are extremely fortunate not to have had to struggle too much as some have. The main reason for our ability to weather the 2020 storm apart from our long-established foundations, must be due to how diverse our customer base has always been. So, if all our retail customers close for 3 months and business slows down, all our large distribution facilities may seize an opportunity to upgrade their loading bays. So, on balance we have been busier than ever, apart from April, May, June, when we went from 50 staff to 5 which was an incredibly strange period, but I think the lucky ones came out of it with a much smaller "To do" list. Looking at 2021 with restrained optimism, we have acquired some incredible roller shutter upgrade contracts which have already started since Christmas. As well as long term national SR2 security steel upgrade programs starting in February. This is on top of our existing workload which has overall maintained excellent resistance to any form of pandemic related downturn. So hopefully as the grey clouds disperse over the coming months, we can all resume normal service and continue to grow. It would be foolish however to presume the world will be the same place after COVID 19 as much as we all like to get back to normal like nothing has happened. So, as well as wishing COVID behind us we will be looking at how ABC as a service provider can adapt to the new challenges ahead and how we can thrive in a changing market. But it is easier said than done as on one hand we have the NHS all wanting hands free proximity activation, whilst on the other hand we have customers taking out all their automatic doors and reverting to manual because they think it will be a cheaper option long term. Both doing what needs to be done, but one focusing on hygiene in a biologically sensitive environment and one focusing on overheads in a cost sensitive environment. So, we can only hope the business will remain and the phone will continue to ring, just for different reasons. 2021 as with any start to the new year is extremely exciting and we look forward to working with our existing customers on new projects and new customers looking for a new supplier. ABC Doors was established in July 1996 when we paid £300 for a 15mm add in the yellow pages and we bought our first Ford Transit van. 25 years later we employ 50 staff with engineers all over the UK and have some fantastic long-term customers, all of which make us very proud to be able to promise our new customers that we are "Big enough to deliver and small enough to care".

Further reading

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Fire, Insulated, Traditional and Continental Roller Shutters from ABC Doors!

18 Sep 2024

ABC Doors is your roller shutter specialist. With solutions for every requirement, ABC offers you the total roller shutter package - supply, installation, maintenance, servicing and repairs.

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10 Reasons To Choose ABC Doors!

10 Sep 2024

From an extensive product offering to expert engineers, and cost effective service packages to door regulations made easy, ABC Doors is your door specialist.

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Download the Stöbich conveyor fire protection system brochure!

04 Sep 2024

For an overview of everything Stöbich's range has to offer, download your copy of the conveyor fire protection systems brochure!

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